Tavaana Healthcare

Just Health Care

You can discuss your medical condition with us for FREE.

  • We can evaluate your medical problem and give a second opinion, if you are already under treatment.
  • We can discuss about symptoms or problems you are facing, explore for disease signs and suggest you for some tests and treatment options available in Herbal / Ayurvedic / Unani treatment modalities.

OR - go for Video Consultation.

STEPS - to get video consultation slot:

Tavaana Healthcare

is Helping Physicians with Phytomedicines

(This information is for Registered Medical Practitioners Only)

Anti-inflammatory for Abdominal Viscera

Helps in controlling Inflammatory Bowl Disease (IBD) and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).


Blood Purifier + Hematogenic

Helps in treating anaemia
and skin ailments.

Liver Icon

Powerful Liver Corrector

Effective in Jaundice, Hepatitis, Loss of Apatite. Protect from hepatotoxic effects of modern drugs, like anti tubercular therapy.

Is it mixopathy or integrative medicine

13th July 2023

Is Govt. Mixing Allopathy with Ayurveda & Unani?


On one hand you can see Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare at Safdar Jang Hospital in

ancient vs modern medicine

21th September 2022

Ancient vs Modern Medicine – What to Chose


Difference Between Ancient Medicine and Modern Medicine It is a common dilemma in the minds of