About Tavaana

Tavaana Healthcare

Just Health Care

Every time we fall sick, we need well informed and tested choice of medicine or treatment procedure. At that time doctors of different pathies are seen standing before us. We need to decide, what system of medicine, we should consult. It depends on severity of ailment. In medical urgencies and emergencies, Allopathic modalities are the choice. But in trivial or chronic conditions, pathies based on traditional knowledge are proved to be the rescuer. Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha medicines are examples of these traditional wisdom. Tavaana Healthcare is concerned with these Indian Systems of Medicine (ISM).

Tavaana Healthcare Helps You by:

Free Consultation

Answering your health queries by providing FREE online consultation facility. Click here for free consultation.


Helping AYUSH practitioners by providing phytomedicines developed and manufactured in GMP certified facilities.

Social media

Connecting with people through social media platforms to provide health tips, disease understanding, line of treatment choices, home remedies, herbs use etc.

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